Little Love Owls, Maho + Coki |
Hunter, the Little Brown Bear |

Mama Owl - Made to match Mama Bird from the first "Words of Wisdom" painting shared here in January. |
Nature Collector |
Mavi Feathers |
I'm now home from a long vacation in the Virgin Islands. It was an amazing family trip which included iced fruity drinks, crystal clear blue water and endless special nature finds. All I had to do was dig my hands into the sand and I'd find them full of coral, seashells and an occasional clam or hermit crab (which I returned to the sea of course). More than anything, it was really nice to be with the family. I cleared my mind and shed some old useless feelings I had been carrying around. With that I found more space to paint. These are some of the paintings I completed while there.
Some who follow may remember an illustration painting I shared here back in January. I've since added several new characters to the "Words of Wisdom" series. I've really been loving the process of creating these animals. While painting them, ideas come to me about who they are and what they do. I give them a story, and a fitting name. I've always loved unique names. I have a name book which is usually where I select them from. The names are from cultures around the world. So far, I find I've been most drawn to Swahili names. Sometimes it takes days to find the perfect one, but once I do I know it was worth waiting.
Today I'm introducing a few new owls. I think they complete my owl characters. I've been taking my time on this pair, and completed them while in USVI. Meet Maho and Coki! They're two little love owls who's hearts were made for each other (see how their hearts match each others wings?). When hung together they gaze lovingly into each others eyes. Unlike my other animals, these two were not named from the book. They were named after the two favorite beaches I swam in while on my trip. These two traveled far and have a sort of wild love.
I also finished "Mama Owl" who I painted to match the Mama Bird I introduced in the first "Words of Wisdom" painting. I like the idea that the mamas have nearly identical wing patterns. To me it represents the connection that all mothers share. Mama Owl is the wisest of the owl family. She's the caretaker and dreamer. She loves magnolias and dark chocolate truffles.
My latest bear is a bold young brown bear named Hunter. He's spends his day fishing for salmon and shooting arrows. He's known as the foodie in his family, and can find berries so fresh they melt in your mouth.
Other than the illustrations I finished one large nature collection painting. It goes nicely with my nature bundle and stick collection paintings. I also finished a few new sets of feathers which can be found in my shop.